A downloadable game for Windows

Break-Zero Aero 2K is a simple yet charming breakout clone highly inspired by Frutiger Aero aesthetics! It's my first ever made game, using Unity.


Move the paddle using the left and right arrow keys, and launch the ball by pressing the space key. Navigate the menus using the mouse and select with the left click.


Traditionally in breakout clones, when you break a brick, it may drop a power-up. Catch it with the paddle before it disappears! Here's a list of what you might get

Extra Life

Gives you an extra life! What else did you expect?

Longer Paddle

Bigger is better! Increases your paddle, so you don't miss the ball so easily.


Safety comes first! A barrier appears below the paddle. It will prevent the ball from falling off, but only once!


BOOM! The ball becomes a merciless brick-destroying bomb. BLAST ‘EM ALL AT ONCE!


Last but not least, let's give credit where credit is due.

Programming & graphics by Cubik GameDev (myself!).

Many thanks to these folks:

Soundtrack borrowed from HomeMadeGarbage SoundTracks (amazing work!).

Title screen background stock video by SVF TV and level background stock image by LUM3N.

Sound effects used are from Tranquility sound library and LTM's UI Casual Soundpack.


Break-Zero Aero 2K Windows x64 62 MB

Install instructions

Download the .zip file and extract its contents. Run the game by executing "Break-Zero Aero 2K.exe".

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